FLUX.1 Schnell AI 图像生成器
试用 FLUX.1-Schnell,最快的在线 AI 图像生成器。免费使用 FLUX.1-Schnell,几步之内生成顶级视觉效果。加速您的创意!

garçon de dix ans en petit short, torse nu devant une grange


TTRPG BATTLEMAP that contains a circle of 9 wagons and makeshift horse pen. There is a central cooking fire and a number of tents. In the style of WOTC

1pc Large Frame Outdoor Cycling Sports Eyeglasses Women Skiing Mountaineering Wind-Resistant Riding Goggles, Product pictures without people, only products, with a single color background. Randomly use real objects or sketches to draw anime 3D cartoon illustrations vector,

Exemple de création d'un site web pour les personnes en situation de handicap et inclusif pour tous

Generate an high elf sex with tight laces as bathing suit on her knees jus covering her nipples

A chocolate lab flying over Golden Gate Bridge while looking with soulful eyes. The pink collar should have KoKo written over it.

deux garçons blond de huit ans s’enlaçant à la plage

The image depicts a surreal black-and-white scene with a combination of ethereal and intimate elements. In the foreground, there is a woman with dark, flowing hair, wearing no top, her back facing the viewer. Her skin has delicate shading that highlights her body contours. She has large, detailed wings on her back that give a celestial feel, with feathers expertly drawn to show depth and texture. Her body features a visible tattoo on her upper arm, adding a personal touch. In front of her, another woman is partially visible, focused on delicately tattooing the back of the winged woman. The second woman is gazing at her work, her facial expression serene, with soft, subtle shading of her features. The tattoo artist’s body is angled in such a way that her form and pose are noticeable, though her face is not clearly seen. Both figures are surrounded by a dramatic contrast of dark and light areas that enhance the intimate and powerful mood. The background shows soft, blurred shadows of more angelic wings, enhancing the sense of depth and otherworldliness. The lighting is soft but high-contrast, with light sources illuminating the figures from the left, creating shadows on their bodies and amplifying their form. The monochromatic tones of the piece are balanced with subtle gradients of gray, giving it a high-definition, detailed finish. The composition is framed by an oval shape that adds to the mysterious, enclosed feel of the image. The overall atmosphere is one of quiet intensity, combining elements of vulnerability, strength, and artistry.

haz una crepa animada con cuerpo como una caricatura
如何使用 FLUX.1-Schnell 生成快速且高质量的图像?
按照以下步骤快速创建惊人的视觉效果,使用 FLUX.1-Schnell:
- 在 FLUX.1-Schnell 中输入您的文本描述并选择所需的宽高比。
- 按下按钮,立即生成图像,使用 FLUX.1-Schnell。
- 重复此过程,探索更多快速生成的选项,使用 FLUX.1-Schnell。
FLUX.1-Schnell 用于什么?
FLUX.1-Schnell 用于从文本描述中生成超快速且高质量的图像。它非常适合需要快速、详细视觉内容的创意项目,提供卓越的速度和准确性。
FLUX.1-Schnell 与其他相比有多快?
FLUX.1-Schnell 是最快的 FLUX 模型,只需 1-4 步即可生成高质量图像。它显著超越其他 AI 图像生成器,使其成为速度和效率的最佳选择。
FLUX.1-Schnell 提供什么样的图像质量?
FLUX.1-Schnell 提供了卓越的图像质量,将速度与详细的高分辨率视觉效果相结合。它非常适合那些需要快速周转和顶级质量的项目。
FLUX.1-Schnell 是否可用于所有目的?
是的,FLUX.1-Schnell 可以免费用于个人、科学和商业用途。它提供了广泛的灵活性,允许用户在各种领域中创建和使用高质量的图像。
FLUX.1-Schnell 图像适用于什么许可证?
由 FLUX.1-Schnell 生成的图像受 Apache-2.0 许可证保护,允许在个人、科学和商业项目中广泛使用,且对分发和修改的限制最小。
有什么建议可以获得 FLUX.1-Schnell 的最佳效果?
要获得 FLUX.1-Schnell 的最佳效果,请使用详细和具体的文本提示。尝试不同的设置,以充分利用该模型的速度及其生成高质量、详细图像的能力。